We will be holding a whole school Top Student Assembly on the first Wednesday back in Term 3. Parents/caregivers are welcome to attend, we do ask however that you please come to the front office at 8.50am and you will be met by student councillors and escorted to the gymnasium. Morning Tea will be available after the assembly in the Trade Training Centre.
The P&C Committee will be holding a meeting in the Administration Office Conference room from 6.30pm, we would love to see new parents who are looking at getting involved in our school community.
Years 10-12 students required to complete OLNA will be provided with a timetable of their sessions.
- Because it Matters – Julie-Ann Carter
- Embrace and love your body – Kallie Barrett
- Your story matters – Nakia Epworth
- Heart and Soul – Grace Simpson
- Discover Wellness – Kallie Barrett
- Because you are worth it – Bree-Anna Pike
We will be holding a Health and Wellbing Expo in the Gym, Library and PAC on Friday 16 October. Above are the amazing works of art from our students that were used to produce the posters.
Year 12 Students and teachers will gather at the Hilltop Cafe for the Farewell Dinner from 6.30pm – 10.00pm. Students will be expected to wear smart casual or semi-formal attire.