Students are not to attend on Tuesday 3 April following the Easter break.
We will be having a School Development Day on Tuesday 5 June, students do not attend on this day.
We will be having a staff School Development Day on Monday 16 July, students are not to attend this day. Term 3 will resume on Tuesday 17 July we hope you all have an enjoyable holiday break.
The NSHS P&C will be holding an Open Day on Saturday 8 September at the High School from 10am – 3pm.
Some of what is on offer:
* Information Sessions on Educational Pathways: Study tips and Exam Stress Management & PPP ‘Raising Responsible Teenagers’
* Extension Testing for 2019 Yr 7 intake…
* School and Residential College Tours
* Market, Food and Craft Stalls
* Hilltop Walk treasure hunt and showbag
* Miniature train rides
* Rocket launches and dissections
* History hunt and maths puzzles
* Art & Photography displays
* Waffles and Coffee in the Hilltop Cafe
* Musical Performances and buskers
* Face painting, storytime and children’s activities
Program of Events
10:00am – Markets & Hilltop Cafe open
10:00am – 3:00pm – Market and food stalls
10:00am – Storytime
10:30am – NSHS Concert band and children’s concert
10:30am – Science Dissections
10:30am – NAEP Extension Testing (English) 2019 Year 7 intake ***
10:00am – 12:00pm Teen PPP ‘Raising Responsible Teenagers’ ***
10:45am – Information Session – Study skills and managing exam stress
11:00am – Rocket launches
11:00am – School and Residential College Guided Tours
11:15am – 12pm – NSHS Buskers
11:30am – Science Dissections
12:00pm – School and Residential College Guided Tours
12:00pm – NSHS Concert Band Performance
12:00pm – Storytime
12:00pm – Rocket launches
12:30pm – NAEP Extension Testing (Maths) 2019 Year 7 intake ***
12:30pm – Science Dissections
12:45pm – 1.30pm NSHS Buskers
12:45pm – Parent Information session – NSHS Educational pathways
1:00pm – Rocket Launches
1:30pm – School and Residential College Guided Tours
2:00pm – NSHS Concert Band Performance
2:00pm – Storytime
*** Please contact NSHS for further information PRIOR to Open Day
Stalls Include:
Tupperware, Kel’s Kitchen Delights, Enjo, Scentsy, Wild & Waste Free, Lynette B Yoga, Close to my Heart, Southern Stars, Mrs Whipit Icecream van, YMCA, olive oil, sausage sizzles, homemade biscuits, raffles, plants, clothing, jewellery, face painting, bric-a-brac, morning & afternoon tea, full canteen menu ….. and much more!
Year 9 students who nominated to go to Canberra, will depart on Thursday 20 September for 9 days, returning on Friday 28 September. Whilst they are away they will visit some of the following sites, and lay a wreath at the Australian War Memorial.
- Sydney Tower Eye
- Madam Tussauds
- Sydney Harbour Bridge
- Capitol Theatre
- Sydney Opera House
- Bondi Beach
- Indigenous Embassy at Parliament House
- Government House
- Royal Australian Mint
- Parliament House
- Indonesian Embassy
- National Gallery of Australia
- Earth Science Education Centre
- Visit Cooma – Snow experience
On Tuesday 4 June after the long weekend we will be holding a School Development Day, students DO NOT attend school on this day.
Join us at the Narrogin Senior High School Performing Arts Centre on Friday the 28 June at 7:00pm for a Movie Night and screening of Bohemian Rhapsody!
Tickets are $10 and available from Friday the 14 June
Limited tickets available.