Narrogin Senior High School will be holding a Merit Assembly for Years 10 – 12 on Tuesday 17 May commencing at 11.36am and concluding at 12.21pm. Parents and Caregivers are welcome to attend.
We will be having a School Development Day on Tuesday 7 June, students are not to attend school on this day.
The students of Narrogin Senior High School invite you to the Annual Visual Art & Media Exhibition at the Nexis Gallery. Opening Night is Thursday 20 October from 6pm-8pm. The exhibition will run from 21 October – 13 November showcasing work from our Years 7 – 12 students.
We are chasing volunteers to help man the exhibit from 10am – 1pm and 1pm – 4pm Wednesday to Saturday and Sunday 1pm – 4pm. If you are able to help please contact the Arts Dept on 9881 9328.
We will be holding a Merit Assembly in the Gymnasium, parents/caregivers are welcome to attend. Year 7-9 will commence at 10.20am and Years 10- 12 will commence at 11.36am.
We will be holding a Merit Assembly in the Gymnasium, parents/caregivers are welcome to attend. Year 7-9 will commence at 10.20am and Years 10- 12 will commence at 11.36am.
Monday 28 November is a School Development Day and students are not required to attend. School will resume on Tuesday 29 November.
We will be holding a whole school assembly in the Gymnasium to present the 2016 Subject Awards.