Those students who were elected Year 12 Prefects for 2021/2022 will be headed off for their Prefect Camp to partake in leadership activities.
We will be welcoming those students who will be attending NSHS in 2022 for the first time to our Transition Day. Students from within our intake area will come and join for activities and for a chance to meet other new students who will also be attending next year with them.
We will be holding the Senior School ball for our Year 11 and 12 students at the Narrogin Town Hall on Friday 18 March 2022.
There will be a Sports Academy Parent Meeting at the Duke of York in the front room commencing at 5.00pm.
There will be a Sports Academy Parent Meeting at the Duke of York, commencing at 5.15pm, all welcome to attend.
Testing will commence week 7 to week 10, students will be advised of their times.
Entrance Testing for the NAEP Program will be held in the Performing Arts Centre on Saturday 10 September commencing at 10am.
Year 12 exams will commence in the Library from Monday 12 September to Friday 23 September, SIDE exams will start Monday 19 September to Friday 23 September.