For those students who are involved in the Sports Academy there will be a Presentation for them commencing at 2pm in the gymnasium. Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend.
Due to Graduation we will no longer be holding this assembly. We will be holding a Whole School Merit Assembly on Monday 18 October commencing at 9.00am in the gymnasium, all are welcome to attend.
The Sports Academy Parent Group will be holding a meeting at the Duke of York commencing at 5.15pm.
We will be holding our final assembly for the year to recognise those students who have achieved top student in their subjects.
Make sure you pop in and enjoy lunch with your friends and be served by the Hospitality students.
There will be a Sports Academy Parent Meeting at the Duke of York in the front room commencing at 5.00pm.
There will be a Sports Academy Parent Meeting at the Duke of York, commencing at 5.15pm, all welcome to attend.