Senior High School

Cnr Homer St & Gray Street Narrogin WA 6312 | (08)9881 9300


School Development Day – Pupil Free
Nov 27 all-day
NSHS Sports Academy Presentation with Guest speaker Caitlin Bassett @ NSHS Gymnasium
Dec 4 @ 1:45 pm – 3:00 pm

The awards celebrate the success and achievements of our Sports Academy students.

The presentation will commence at 1.45pm and finish at approximately 3pm.

The key note speaker and special guest is one of the most recognisable sportswomen, netballer Ms Caitlin Bassett. Caitlin is the Australian Diamonds and West Coast Fever goal shooter and was awarded the Liz Ellis Diamnond for Australian Netballer of the Year 2015.

Afternoon tea will be provided for parents/carers.


Year 9 Adventure World Excursion
Dec 7 @ 7:30 am – 6:00 pm

Expressions of Interest need to be returned to the Students Services office no later than Friday 30 October. There are a limited number of places; students will be selected based on attendance and positive behaviour record, including uniform.

Buses will leave NSHS at 7.30am and return by 6pm. There will be pickups/drop offs on both the Williams/Crossman and Cuballing/Pingelly routes.



Year 8 Adventure World Excursion
Dec 8 @ 7:30 am – 6:00 pm

Expressions of Interest need to be returned to the Students Services office no later than Friday 30 October. There are a limited number of places; students will be selected based on attendance and positive behaviour record, including uniform.

Buses will leave NSHS at 7.30am and return by 6pm. There will be pickups/drop offs on both the Williams/Crossman and Cuballing/Pingelly routes.

Year 7 Adventure World Excursion
Dec 9 @ 7:30 am – 6:00 pm

Expressions of Interest need to be returned to the Students Services office no later than Friday 30 October. There are a limited number of places; students will be selected based on attendance and positive behaviour record, including uniform.

Buses will leave NSHS at 7.30am and return by 6pm. There will be pickups/drop offs on both the Williams/Crossman and Cuballing/Pingelly routes.

Year 10 Adventure World Excursion
Dec 10 @ 7:30 am – 6:00 pm

Expressions of Interest need to be returned to the Students Services office no later than Friday 30 October. There are a limited number of places; students will be selected based on attendance and positive behaviour record, including uniform.

Buses will leave NSHS at 7.30am and return by 6pm. There will be pickups/drop offs on both the Williams/Crossman and Cuballing/Pingelly routes.

2016 Transition – Feeder Schools
Dec 11 @ 8:30 am – 3:21 pm

Year 7 Students

11 December 2015   12.30pm – 3.21pm  (students from Narrogin Primary School & St Matthews)


Year 8-12 Students

11 December 2015  8.30am – 3.21pm    (students from feeder schools)


Uniform Shop

The uniform shop will be open from 9am – 1.30pm on Transition Day Friday 11 December. It will also be open before the start of school on January 28 & 29 from 9am – 2pm.

Beauty and the Geek – Yr 7 -10 School Disco @ Narrogin Senior High School Gymnasium
Mar 1 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm

There will be a school social for years 7 to 10 tomorrow night. Tickets are available for purchase at recess and lunch time near the uniform shop. You will not be able to go unless you have returned your medical form.

When: Tuesday 1 March

Time: Commencing 6.30pm

Where: Narrogin Senior High School Gymnasium

What to wear: Appropriate dress related to our theme

Who: All students in good standing

Cost: $5

Theme: Beauty and the Geek

Concluding: at 9.30pm

There will be drinks and nibbles for sale during the evening.

Summer Carnival
Mar 4 all-day
Student Free Day – Tuesday 29 March
Mar 29 all-day

Reminder to parents there will be a student free day on Tuesday 29 March following Easter.

Country Week Results

Below is the link for the live online results on the SSWA website. Just go to 2023 Online results and Ladders and then choose the sport you are after. Also the app is JARO Sports which you can use the below link to sign up to the App
Once you have downloaded the app click on Narrogin Senior High School and the sport you want and division you want to look at.