
We will be holding a Whole School Merit Assembly on Wednesday 26 May in the school gymnasium commencing at 8.55am. Parents/guardians are welcome to attend.
We will be holding a School Development Day on Tuesday 8 June after the West Australian Day long weekend. Students DO NOT attend this day, please enjoy your extra long weekend.
We will have students travelling to Perth to represent NSHS in the School Country Week in the below sports, we wish them all the best.
Basketball – Boys and Girls teams
Volleyball – Boys and Girls teams
Hockey – Boys and Girls teams
Touch Rugby – Combined Boys and Girls Team
Soccer – Boys and Girls teams
Semester 1 Reports will be posted on CONNECT if you would like a hard copy please ensure you contact the Front Office to arrange this on 9881 9300.
We will be holding a P&C Meeting in the Admin Conference Room commencing at 6.30pm. We would love to see some new faces and hear your ideas.
We will be holding a Handover Assembly on Thursday for the current Prefects and Councillors to pass the baton to the incoming students, commencing at 9am in the gymnasium
Our year 12 students will have a dinner in preparation for their final week at school before they all say goodbye at their Graduation at the beginning of Term 4.
We will be holding a School Development Day (Pupil Free) on Monday 11 October, students do not attend. We will see you back on Tuesday 12 October.
Due to Graduation we will no longer be holding this assembly. We will be holding a Whole School Merit Assembly on Monday 18 October commencing at 9.00am in the gymnasium, all are welcome to attend.