
When: Opening night – Thursday 28 October 6pm (Term 4 Week 3)
This is our last day for Year 11 students after sitting their exams and starting their Year 12 timetable for the past few weeks. Enjoy your holidays and we look forward to seeing you return as leaders of the school for 2022.
Those students who were elected Year 12 Prefects for 2021/2022 will be headed off for their Prefect Camp to partake in leadership activities.
We will be holding our final assembly for the year to recognise those students who have achieved top student in their subjects.
We will be welcoming those students who will be attending NSHS in 2022 for the first time to our Transition Day. Students from within our intake area will come and join for activities and for a chance to meet other new students who will also be attending next year with them.
Reports will be uploaded to Connect today, please make sure you download your child/ren’s reports as they only stay available on Connect for a short time frame. For a hard copy please contact the school or phone 9881 9300.
Today is the last day for students in Years 7 -10 we hope you have an enjoyable break and look forward to seeing you all on Monday 31 January 2022.
We will be holding School Photos Wednesday 23 February 2022 , your child will be sent home with an envelope later this week which they will need to bring with them on the day with payment. Payment can be made online and the envelope will provide the details for this.