
Students involved in Sports Academy, will participate in the Sports Academy Cup, which will be held at the YMCA, during periods 3 – 6 (11am – 3.00pm). Notes will go home with the students closer to the date.
Year 12 students will be attending a leavers breakfast in the Hilltop Cafe on Tuesday 16 October commencing at 9am.
On Wednesday 17 October, Year 12 students and teachers will gather at the Hilltop Cafe for our Farewell Dinner from 6:30pm – 10:00pm. Students will be expected to wear smart casual or semi-formal attire.
The Presentation Evening will be held at Narrogin Senior High School Gym at 7:00pm on Friday 19 October. Gowns may be collected from room 37 from 4:30pm to 6:30pm on the night. A light meal will be provided for students, guests and their families in the Hilltop Cafe from 4:30pm until 6:30pm. Guests and families are asked to be seated in the gym by 6.45pm
In the past, we have arranged a photography session for individual and family portraits, however we have been unable to book a photographer for this year. A photography backdrop will be available in room 37 for students and families to take their own pictures.
On Tuesday 4 June after the long weekend we will be holding a School Development Day, students DO NOT attend school on this day.
Join us at the Narrogin Senior High School Performing Arts Centre on Friday the 28 June at 7:00pm for a Movie Night and screening of Bohemian Rhapsody!
Tickets are $10 and available from Friday the 14 June
Limited tickets available.
We will have students travelling to Perth to represent NSHS in the School Country Week in the below sports, we wish them all the best.
Basketball – Boys and Girls teams
Volleyball – Boys and Girls teams
Hockey – Boys and Girls teams
Touch Rugby – Combined Boys and Girls Team
Soccer – Boys and Girls teams
Year 7 students will be participating in Swimming Lessons, information will be sent home with your child.