Senior High School

Cnr Homer St & Gray Street Narrogin WA 6312 | (08)9881 9300


We are conducting our annual Parent National School Opinion Survey. This can be accessed through:
We encourage as many parents and caregivers as possible to complete the survey. The data we obtain from this process drives our school improvement agenda. Thanking you for your support

2021 Yr 12 Presentation Evening

On Friday 22 October, Narrogin Senior High School Year 12 students gathered with staff, special guests, family and friends to celebrate the Class of 2021’s achievements and accolades.

The keynote speaker former student, Dr Cheryl Lohr Bsc, MSc, PhD a research scientist in Biodiversity spoke of her time at school and provided insight of what the students can expect moving into the next phase of their journey.

The evening featured several outstanding performances by Year 12 music student Brooklyn Hohipuha and the School Band. Top students in all courses and qualifications were congratulated, as well as community and school awards.

The Class of 2021 presentation evening ended with the valedictorian speech by Darcy Andrews reminding the school community of the experiences that take place at school along with the preparation for life after school.

Well done to all of our award winners and good luck to the ATAR  students studying to sit their WACE Exams and to those who have already left, we wish you the very best with your future endeavours as you continue to Advance with Integrity.


Collateral Arts Exhibition – Opening Night – Thurs 28 October

Our annual student Arts exhibition is opening soon! The exhibition is titled “Collateral” and features Visual Art and Photography work exploring our student’s experiences and perspectives. We are also seeking parents/community members to volunteer to man the gallery while the exhibition is running. Any questions, please email


NAIDOC Day for NSHS commenced with an Assembly led by our MC Prefect Jayiesha Ford with our senior Shooting Stars performed a cleansing dance. Local elder Mr Basil Kickett payed respects to the traditional owners of the land with Welcome to Country before our guest speaker Miss Laycee Coles shared with the audience her journey from school and her experiences as an AIEO at East Narrogin Primary School. Dakoda Bolton-Black and Aikysha Papertalk shared what our theme Heal Country meant before we had some wonderful traditional dancing provided by our Shooting Stars girls to the tapping beat of sticks and Clontarf boys assisted on the Digeridoo by Ross Storey. While the community members partook in morning tea in the TTC student continued their day with a variety of activities.


Student Elections 2021/2022


It has been a busy time for those students who chose to nominate as school representatives. In the lead up to the elections we invited Shire President Mr Leigh Ballard to address the students and to give them some tips to help them with their presentations to their year groups. Despite their nerves there were some very well thought out and presented speeches and the students should be commended on their public addresses.

Election Day although not the best as far as weather went, was a great day with lots of fun, balloons and music. With the assistance of Jacqui from the WA Electoral Commission who also spoke to some classes in between the voting, the Year 12 prefects donned the official vests and acted as Electoral Officials, checking off students as they came to vote for their choice of student representatives to give the students a voice.

Once voting was complete Jacqui from the WAEC collected the Ballot boxes and took them back to the commission in Perth where she carried out the formal Preferential Count to work out who the successful candidates were.  Please congratulate the following students who have been elected to the Narrogin SHS 2021/2022 Student Council:



William Coppock, Tom Price, Chloe Bertuola, Mackenzie Williams, Caitlin Pratt, Courtney Dewing, Anton Hanson, Amy Mulcahy, Darcy Penny, Denica Stoffberg, Cherokee Ford, Chelsea Mulcahy.

Student Councillors

Year 7  – Rhyan Donnelly, Rhys Thornton, Cassie Coppock, Isabella Budby, Scott Tyson, Emily Kulker

Year 8 – Lily Spencer, Skye Beary, Lochlan Mickle, Justice Dale, Olivia Hann, Denby Young, Kate         Cousins

Year 9 – Kele Readhead, Beau Readhead, Guillaume van der Riet, Leah Mulcahy, Abby Dewing, Emmerson Nottle

Year 10 – Mike Brillo, Aikysha Papertalk, Karli Martin, Ben Robins, Dakoda Bolton-Black, Makenna Batt

