Senior High School

Cnr Homer St & Gray Street Narrogin WA 6312 | (08)9881 9300





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We are deciding on the addition of a rugby jumper to the suite of school uniforms.  The school Uniform Committee values your opinion. Please click on this attached link to complete the survey.

Year 10 Parent information session for WACE 2016

Click here:  parent letter for Year 10 – 11 Parent information session

Check out the Year 11/12 Course Selection & Information Booklet 2015please click on the link below:

WACE Course Selection and Information Handbook 2015

Netball – Bendigo Bank High School Cup

On Friday the 9th of May, three teams from the Narrogin Senior High School Netball Academy travelled to Katanning to participate in the Bendigo Bank High School Cup. This included 2 lower school girl’s teams and one upper school girl’s team.

Netballers Bendigo Cup 1Narrogin 2 included Casey Walker, Milla Curtis, Ashtyn Steer, Lili Palumbo, Eaden Woodford, Emma Woodruff, Brooklyn Drayton, Jessica Shepherd and Rykiel Gibb. They came 7th out of 20 teams. They won a couple of games and lost a couple of games. They played against teams from St Josephs College, Governor Stirling, Albany, Kojonup and Katanning. Thank you to Jo Drayton for coaching the team and to Ionie Hall for umpiring.

Narrogin 1 included Georgia Dyson, Latia Kickett, Jasmine McDonald, Georgia Dawes, Meg Conway, Careese Ranieri, Renee Dodds, Shelley Quartermaine, Abbey Wilson and Sophie Potts. This team was very successful and won all of their games. They won the lower school girls division. Thank you to Katie Wilson for coaching the team and Claudia Rourke and Lucy Turner for umpiring.

The upper school girl’s team included Katie Lally, Shannon Bubb, Taya Olman, Nikita Osgood, Lucy Turner, Shenae Reynolds, Georgie Bishop, Shelby Steer and Sarah Billingham. This team came forth in their division. The girls were very competitive in all games taking into consideration that they had to play against students in year 11 and 12 from other schools.  Thank you to Mrs Corner and Mr Morrell for coaching the team, and to Mr Morrell for driving the bus. Thank you also to Tiffany Prideaux who was another umpire on the day.

Mrs Corner

Netball Academy Co-ordinator


If students are interested in participating in Workplace Learning for this semester (including the week of Country Week and or the July holidays) they must see Mrs Castle now and have their employer lined up and their applications in no later than Friday May 30th.
