Cnr Homer St & Gray Street Narrogin WA 6312 | (08)9881 9300
Parent/Teacher Interviews – Thursday 23 July
Posted on 2/7/2020
Parent/Teacher interviews will be held in the TTC and Library on Thursday 23 July 2020 from 3.30pm – 7.00pm. Parents are able to book online
School Development Day – Monday 20 July 2020
Posted on 2/7/2020
We will be having a School Development Day on the first day back of Term 3, students do not attend on this day, we look forward to seeing all students on Tuesday 21 July.
NSHS 2020 School Ball
Posted on 26/2/2020
We will be holding our 2020 School Ball on Friday 13 March at the Narrogin Town Hall. Below is the Parent/Guardian Consent Form, this needs to be completed by all year 11 and 12 students attending the ball and their partners. Payment is due no later than Friday 6 March, either online or to Mrs Nicholas at the front office. Students must hand in permission forms with their payment. No permission forms means NO ticket will be issued!
We are still looking for Parent/Guardian Volunteers to assist with the ball on the night. If you can assist in any way, please complete the attached form and return it or contact Mrs Castle at school on 9881 9313.
We would like to welcome our new staff to Narrogin Senior High School.
L-R Kate Furphy (Nurse), Monique Duarte (English), Elyse Williams (Ed Support), Melanie Edwards (Psychologist), Hayden McWilliams (English), Wendy Sargeantson (Business), Mona Dawson (HASSL), Janine Keall (Principal), Ellie Sheridan (HASSL), Sushmita Datta Roy (English), Cameron Brook (Science), Naomi Kittow (NEEP), Tia Spitieris (English), Blake Howieson (Music), Melissa Denkinger (TTC), Kelly Nicholls (Chaplain) Absent: Ashleigh Ezard and Amelia Shadbolt
2020 Mobile Phone Policy
Posted on 20/12/2019
Dear Parents and Carers
The Minister of Education, Hon Sue Elery, announced in October that all public schools will implement a ban on student mobile phones. Narrogin Senior High School has spent much time consulting with the school community to revise our Student Mobile Phone Policy to adhere to the Minister’s announcement. As of day one 2020 all students’ mobile phones will be “Off and Away all Day”. Student mobile phones will not be used as educational tools at Narrogin Senior High School. There will be no reason that students will need a mobile phone at school. Listening devices, such as headphones, will be off and away all day also and smart watches will need to remain on aeroplane mode all day. These devices will be unseen from the start of the school day to its conclusion. The school has numerous locations that students can access a telephone to contact their parents and/or caregivers, including the Front Office and Student Services. If you, as parent or caregiver, require to communicate with your child/ren you can contact the school on 98819300 and a message will be taken for dissemination. There are some exclusions to this stance. Please read the attached Narrogin Senior High School – Student Mobile Phones in Schools Policy to gain a clear understanding of our school’s expectations.